Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Celebrate Life!

Celebrate Life! by David R. Darrow 6" x 6" (15.2cm x 15.2cm)
Oil on Stretched Canvas SOLD Collection of Jeanie Schlump
Laramie, WY – USA

About This Painting

There's nothing like changing a couple of digits in the year portion of a date to let you know that the past is the past.

For me, 2006 was a difficult year in some ways, and absolutely astonishing in richness in others. I failed to reach some important personal goals, yet I'm blessed to have achieved as many as I did. God has been good to me.

We celebrate the New Year with traditional champagne and merry making — but this painting is not about the New Year, even though it is my first of 2007. It's about celebrating Life! Every morning we wake up should be celebrated. It is another gift. Nothing is set in stone, the past is behind and nothing will ever change it.

God willing, the new day set before us is ours to do with as we please, and we can waste it or use it well.

I chose the symbol of two glasses of champagne to universally represent celebration. One alone would be sad, for it is with another that celebration is most at home. I invite you to join me and Celebrate Life!

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Jeanie LeCompte said...

Very approprate for extremely personal reasons. I like the fact that the 2 glasses of wine appear different within the same environment...as if the toast were made with 2 different expectations.

Tom Brown said...

Beautiful, solid composition! I love your color handling and use of values to make the painting work. Well done.
- Tom Brown

Jeanie LeCompte said...

I just purchased this painting & I am SO pleased. It is better than pictured on the web. I will definitely try to purchase more from David Darrow.