Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Kona Missionary

Kona Missionary by David R. Darrow 5" x 7" (12.7cm x 17.78cm)
Oil on Panel SOLD Collection of Jane West
Kona, HI – USA

About This Painting

When teaching art techniques as a guest teacher to university students in Kona, Hawaii this young woman—training to be a missionary—modeled for a drawing demonstration. I was taken by her gentle features, warm smile, and hopeful eyes.

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Anonymous said...

great work, as well as your other stuff!

Piotr said...

Wow gorgeous! Do you teach any classes at Volcano Art center or in Hilo? Email me if you'd like, I live in Mountain View.

Tara said...

Your work is absolutely fantastic!!!

Heartful said...

Wow, you bring her to life.