Thursday, March 16, 2006

Girl With a Silver Nose Ring

Girl With A Silver Nose Ring by David R. Darrow 5" x 7" (12.7cm x 17.78cm)
Oil on Canvas Panel SOLD Collection of Ben Garvie
Elk Grove, CA – USA

About This Painting

Stephanie is an art student. She does delightful, whimsical characters from her equally delightful and whimsical mind.

She was one of the students that was in my special course in Kona when I taught there. She is full of life, with a great sense of humor and unafraid of attention.

I would say she marches to the beat of a different drummer, but that would understate the facts. In the evening at the university she would go up to one of the highest athletic fields and play her bagpipes to the setting sun.

At the school, I was showing the students how I like to light subjects for dramatic paintings, and had her step in as a model. I think it was a little embarrassing for her — but then she settled into this pose as I snapped the picture, and somehow, I think I captured something I just knew about her intuitively.

She is at heart a gentle person, highly observant and introspective. There is an elegance to her, and a sweet femininity that came to the surface as I observed.

The title of this painting was designed with a wink and a nod to Vermeer's Girl With A Pearl Ear Ring.

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Shawn Escott said...

Really nice paintings David! I like what you are doing. I first saw your podcast and then your blog. Wonderful work!!! Can't wait to see more!

tonypetersart said...

I like how you kept some of the warmth in the shadow side of her face, looks good.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, sensitive portrait, exquisitely rendered; wonderful light and shadows, and powerful mood. Really, really nice work.