Oil on Panel SOLD Collection of Randy Allerheiligen
Medford, OR – USA
About This Painting
Judy and her husband are art collectors, and to my delight, own two originals from my Everyday Paintings Series, so far. Due to circumstances that brought me near their neighborhood, I arranged to deliver one of the paintings in person.
Judy is a sweet woman, full of life and love, and is an enthusiastic and talented painter as well. Just before I left, she went out to her front garden area and came back with some absolutely gorgeous orchids she’d clipped off, wrapped the clipped stems in a baggie with water in it, and handed theme to me.
"Here, take these to Teresa," she offered. "Ladies like flowers."
I was so taken by the delicate, translucent flowers that I just had to make one the subject of a painting. The orchid’s petals seemed to glow just sitting there against the dark shadowy background.
I originally named it Orchidée du Jardin, the French translation, because I felt it deserved an exotic name, but I didn’t think many people searching eBay would be looking for anything to do with “orchidée” so...
I present to you, instead, Orchid from the Garden.
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