Oil on Panel SOLD Collection of Jolie Elman
Glendora, CA – USA
About This Painting
In Tijuana last week, I caught this tired waitress resting on the counter waiting for tables to clear. It was a busy day that day; lots of customers and loud Mexican music blaring from the juke box– but somehow she looked all alone. And probably was, in her thoughts. It was a moment to capture.
I am a big fan of an artist named Ken Auster whose huge paintings—and even his small ones—are covered in big, bold, thick strokes of heavy paint. Because his values (light to dark range) are dead-on, his paintings, though "loosely" painted, look nearly photographic from a distance.
In this little 5 x 7, I have tried to paint boldly and thickly, and put the details only where they are most needed: in the face of the exhausted waitress at the "Taco Bell" in Tijuana. No, it's not like a Taco Bell you've ever seen. They just use that name to attract American customers. Another large sign on the outside of the building says "Do not feed the dog."
Now that's just not the way we do it here, is it? :-)
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