8" x 6" (20.3cm x 15.2cm)
Oil on Belgian Linen Panel
Collection of Derek Beasley
Lancaster, CA – USA
About This Painting
Another pepper from my garden.
I watched this little fellow grow and plump up and turn a brilliant emerald green (if you don't know, they turn red soon after). I felt that the young plant was too weak to hold this 6" pepper – it seemed all the watering and nutrients were going toward sustaining the pepper, so I pruned it off.
Now the plant is three times the size is was, has new flower buds which will bear fruit, and will be doing its pepper thing again, soon.
It's so fascinating to see them take shape, change color, and reshape. Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper, too?
Maybe you'd have to have grown up in the 70s to understand this one. ◙
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