Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Paintcast™: The Grid Method

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

This is a recent portrait commission I did for a local woman I met at an art fair in Rancho Santa Fe, CA last June. The subject, Juliette, is her daughter. She and her husband wanted something of value they could enjoy now, but also hand down to their daughter when she is older.
(They loved it!)
Juliette was a pleasure to paint. She has a lively, sweet spirit, and a calm in her eyes that speaks of a heart at rest.
Annie in Yellow Sweater

Oil on Canvas Panel SOLD Collection of Kay Crain
Defiance, MO – USA
About This Painting
Annie, my niece from Oregon, was sitting in my mom’s “rocking couch” with the cool light coming in though a shaded west window. It looked like a painting before I could even take a breath.
She’s gettng married this year.
It seems like two weeks ago she was just learning to talk.
The time passes so quickly.
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Painting Block
No, that doesn't mean I can't think of anything to paint... it means I am painting commissions right now (a good thing) and they are blocking me, time-wise, from painting my Everyday Paintings. I have also filled up parts of my schedule with private art students that have asked "Can you teach me to paint?"
I am fortunate that each of my current students is at least at the intermediate level and have studied painting for some time. I don't think I would have the patience for absolute beginners... It takes several years of commitment and drive to learn to paint... and there is not much I can do for a beginning student other that to send them off to a good Life Drawing school.
Good painting is the castle; good drawing is the foundation. You can't just build a castle anywhere.
Anyway, I should have some new stuff up very soon.